January 8, 2020

Soiree in the Swamp Fundraiser – 4/30/22

Prepare for night of fun, socializing, and theatre at our Annual Fundraiser “A Night of Glenbrook Theatre”.  This year GBS and GBN students will be performing Shrek.  Enjoy a full-course dinner at the school with friends, families, and D225 staff.  This year our guest speaker will be Pat Murphy, Former GBN Theatre Director.

A Night of Glenbrook Theatre Annual Fundraiser – Soiree in the Swamp
Date:  Saturday, April 30, 2022

4:30pm – “Mocktail” Hour

5pm – Dinner/Auction/Raffle

7pm – Premium seating to Shrek the Musical

Location:  Glenbrook North High School Cafeteria (Dinner) and Seely Center for the Performing Arts (Shrek Show)

Thank you to our sponsors!

This event would not be possible without the generous donations of our sponsors.  Thank you for your support!

All proceeds for the event will go to the Glenbrook High School Foundation.  The Foundation provides grants to D225 administrators and teachers and need-based scholarships to students throughout the year.

Thank you all who attended and supported the event!  We can’t wait till next year!